Town of Mosheim Speed Camera Update 11-24-2022

We have been working with  webmaster of and have come up with more information about who the company is that is pushing these manned speed cameras.

The speed camera(s) in use were supplied by Blue Line Solutions LLC , according to a Greeneville Sun newspaper article.  Their website is and provides no information where they are located.  A phone number is given and that was traced through Google to an address in Chattanooga Tennessee that also agrees with their Tennessee corporate filing information.

That same address in Chattanooga is used as the address for payments for the extortion letters sent to recipients.  This has been verified by where a recipient of one of the photo citations submitted it.

According to testimonials on their website, The City of Henry Tennessee and Bradford Tennessee had commented on their experience with them. is the payment portal for the City of Henry, Bradford, and Town of Mosheim, and those 3 agencies are located in Tennessee.  A Whois search of that domain shows it to be protected from disclosing information by the domain registoror.   This is also the case for

So at this time if you receive a photo citation from The City of Henry or Bradford in Tenenssee with a payment address in Chattanooga, you can treat it the same as a ticket from The Town of Mosheim PD if you choose to do so.

This website, its owners and contributors are not responsible for any actions you take and are not giving legal advice.  We urge you to discuss  any actions you may take with an attorney before doing anything with these extortion letters.